Swelling bentonite sealing cement
Swelling bentonite sealing cement
Bonding and sealing waterproofing cement MQ 100 MASTER is bentonite-based, containing an anionic tenside as an emulsifier. It is characterised by high elastic adhesion and bonding ability. It can expand after contact with water thanks to its chemical composition.
When to use waterproofing sealing cement?
- For bentonite sealing strips application – eliminates any sub-base unevenness and ensures perfect contact with the concrete surface and sealing strip
- To bond sealing strips in construction and separating joints
- To bond overlapping bentonite liners and geotextiles
- To seal cable and pipe ducts, as well as filling of cavities and other cracks in buildings, civil engineering and water management structures
How to use the waterproof sealing cement?
- Apply directly to the contact surfaces using a spatula or a sealant gun from a cartridge.
- Always apply the sealing cement to a dry (maximum damp) sub-base
- Remove dust and greasy dirt from the sub-base before application
Not sure how to apply the cement to concrete joints? Contact us.
Displayed 6 items
V kartuších 310 ml
10 kg, 5 kg a 1 kg
v PE fólii 600 gr.
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